Moorish Green Mint


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What’s the deal?

A traditional blend common to the Maghreb region. This fine tea is perfectly blended with suarve and strong Moroccan spearmint. Spread throughout the Arab world and a similar drink is prepared in Southern Spain and France. The beverage has a refreshing aroma, and its consumption produces a sensation of cold in the mouth and respiratory tract. In the 1850s during the Crimean War, a British merchant, unable to sell his wares of Chinese gunpowder green tea in the Baltic region, stumbled upon Morocco as an alternate destination. Moroccans, to put it mildly, fell in love with the flavourful leaves, especially in conjunction with mint.

What’s in it?

Chinese green tea with Moroccan spearmint (15 Tea Temples)

Steeping Notes

  • Steep time: 2-3 min
  • Water Temperature: 80-85 degrees


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